KCL installs and services all projects we deliver. We can deliver projects for both new builds and re-hooking of all types of lifeboats.
Our technicians have all the expertise in our systems and assist our customers with all inspections and all necessary service.
We have all the expertice for our own designed and produced KCL NOA LRRS System:
- Designers
- Hydraulic Supervisors
- Electric Supervisors
- Technicians
- Service Personell
In any project we will secure all the operations with our expertice, and if any third party is involved, they are always carefully trained and certified by us.
We will secure you all the way - for any complete re-hooking or new-build - for any lifeboat or FRC/MOB/rescue boat

Through our service partner Hansa Safety Services, we operate globally, and can carry out installation projects in any dry dock, or inspections and service on ships, wherever it may be in the world.


Vegard Solheim

Gerhard Tost

Haakon Volden Saga
Marketing Manager/Traning
+47 466 24 217

Rolf Gyllenhammar
Technical Sales
+47 469 08 878

Terje Heen

Kenneth Evensen

Geir Jørgensen